Crime and Punishment in America

Stephen Jarrett, who has agreed to direct our version of

Entertaining Mr. Sloane

by Joe Orton

recently directed Cops, by Terry Curtis Fox, as part of the two-play program Crime and Punishment in America, at The American Century Theater, Arlington.  Cops is gritty, brutal, horrible, and disgusting, as it should be, and got excellent reviews.  Both Cops and Entertaining Mr. Sloane depict serious corruption, but also have room for considerable laughs.  Cops has now closed, but to see the reviews, go to 

2 Comments On “Crime and Punishment in America”

  1. this is a part of my theater paper about my encreiexpe watching mary’s wedding that I thought I would share with the IRT. While this next point is not in our syllabus I feel the need to put it into this paper. This play completely changed my view of theater. I was absolutely blown away by the total encreiexpe of going to this play. In a society so desperate to connect with other people that the use of social networking and cell phones runs rampant I am surprised that theater is not more popular. We go to movies for an encreiexpe, an attempt to connect with other human beings on screen. This play, theater does that in a way that I feel that no other art form can. I have almost never been so moved by a movie, a novel, or a picture. It is the human element that theater has to its advantage and it is truly amazing.


  2. I have observed that parodoxically, almost perversely, civilized cultures can be less civil than cultures in the process of civilizing. It seems that when I can count upon you to bear my behavior rather then retaliating I become free to be relatively brutal without fear of your response. I may have to fear a third party, perhaps law enforcement, but that seems rare if I calculate the range of allowed, civilized, behavior.
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